The "Set Up Groups for this Site" page has been, for some unknown reason, hidden in SharePoint 2010.
The page is still there and it can be accessed here:/_layouts/permsetup.aspx.
To make this generally available I created a custom action to add this to the "People and Groups: All Groups" (/_layouts/groups.aspx) page, in the Settings dropdown menu:
The page is still there and it can be accessed here:/_layouts/permsetup.aspx.
To make this generally available I created a custom action to add this to the "People and Groups: All Groups" (/_layouts/groups.aspx) page, in the Settings dropdown menu:
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< Elements xmlns="" >
< CustomAction Id="64f25e2b-f9fb-4e37-b848-5949603b03ab"
Title="Set Up Groups for this Site"
Description="Use this page to specify who can access your site. You can create new SharePoint groups or re-use existing SharePoint groups."
< UrlAction Url="~site/_layouts/permsetup.aspx">< /UrlAction>
< /CustomAction >
< /Elements >
This can a Site or Web level feature, depending on where it has to be applied.