The Author (Created By) field is actually an lookup field to the hidden User Information list. If you need to add the work email of the Author (Created By field) user to a specific list it can be done by adding a dependent lookup field for the Author field: $site = get - spsite "site url here"; $list = $site . RootWeb . Lists [ "list name" ]; $createdByEmailGuid = $web . Fields . AddDependentLookup ( "Work e-mail" , [ Microsoft . SharePoint . SPBuiltInFieldId ]:: Author ); $createdByEmail = $web . Fields . GetFieldByInternalName ( $createdByEmailGuid ); $createdByEmail . Description = "Work e-mail address of the Author."; $createdByEmail . LookupField = $web . Fields [[ Microsoft . SharePoint . SPBuiltInFieldId ]:: EMail ]. InternalName ; $createdByEmail . Update (); $web . Update (); $list . Fields . Add ( $createdByEmail ); $list . Update (); If additional fields are needed the same method can be applied. Here is a li...