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Showing posts from April, 2013

PowerShell script to add work email to the list fields for the author

The Author (Created By) field is actually an lookup field to the hidden User Information list. If you need to add the work email of the Author (Created By field) user to a specific list it can be done by adding a dependent lookup field for the Author field: $site = get - spsite "site url here"; $list = $site . RootWeb . Lists [ "list name" ]; $createdByEmailGuid = $web . Fields . AddDependentLookup ( "Work e-mail" , [ Microsoft . SharePoint . SPBuiltInFieldId ]:: Author ); $createdByEmail = $web . Fields . GetFieldByInternalName ( $createdByEmailGuid ); $createdByEmail . Description = "Work e-mail address of the Author."; $createdByEmail . LookupField = $web . Fields [[ Microsoft . SharePoint . SPBuiltInFieldId ]:: EMail ]. InternalName ; $createdByEmail . Update (); $web . Update (); $list . Fields . Add ( $createdByEmail ); $list . Update (); If additional fields are needed the same method can be applied. Here is a li...

SharePoint 2010 retrieving lookup values using ECMAScript

Script to retrieve single and multiple value lookup fields values using SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model for JavaScript (ECMAScript): var listName = "list name here" ; var listItemId = 23 ; // id here function retrieveLookupValues () { var clientContext = new SP . ClientContext . get_current (); var oList = clientContext . get_web (). get_lists (). getByTitle ( listName ); var selectedItems = SP . ListOperation . Selection . getSelectedItems (); var camlQuery = new SP . CamlQuery (); camlQuery . set_viewXml ( "< View >< Query >< Where >< Eq >< FieldRef Name='ID' / >< Value Type='Counter'>" + listItemId + "< /Value>< /Eq>< /Where>< /Query>< RowLimit>100< /RowLimit>< /View>" ); this . collListItem = oList . getItems ( camlQuery ); clientContext . load ( collListItem , 'Include(CustomSingelLookup...